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Ongoing research projects

This is a manually curated overview of research projects on COVID-19, infectious diseases in general, and antibiotic resistance which are funded by major funding agencies in Sweden. New projects are added on an ongoing basis. If you would like your project to be listed here, please get in touch with us.

For a list of all projects on COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 funded by major Swedish funders since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic see this page.

See also SweCRIS, a database of all funded research projects for many of the large funding agencies in Sweden, where it is possible to search using custom keywords. For those interested specifically in COVID-19 projects, there is list of all ethically approved clinical studies on COVID-19 in Sweden available on (updated regularly; page available only in Swedish).

Last updated: 2023-03-06

PI affiliation
Project title Funder Topics
Mental health of young LGBTQ+ people: Trends over time and during the COVID-19 pandemic, causes of mental ill-health, and ways to improve mental health of young LGBTQ+ people

Host institute: Karolinska Institute
Principal investigator: Kyriaki Kosidou

Forte COVID-19Infectious diseases
The fatigue cohort - A longitudinal study on psychobiological mechanisms in post-COVID, chronic fatigue and exhaustion syndromes.

Host institute: Stockholms universitet
Principal investigator: Anna Andreasson

Forte COVID-19Infectious diseases
The unequal pandemic: investigating the relationship between health equity and political responses to covid-19

Host institute: Stockholms universitet
Principal investigator: Karl Gauffin

Forte COVID-19Infectious diseases
Multifaceted mental health impact of COVID-19 – a cross-country comparison between Sweden and five other European countries

Host institute: Karolinska Institute
Principal investigator: Fang Fang

Forte COVID-19Infectious diseases
Indoor environments that reduce airborne transmission of infections

Host institute: Lunds universitet
Principal investigator: Malin Alsved

Formas COVID-19Infectious diseases
Health systems resilience in managing the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons from regional preparedness plans in Sweden

Host institute: Karolinska Institute
Principal investigator: Helena Nordenstedt

Forte COVID-19Infectious diseases
A comprehensive in-depth register-based analysis of the patient population diagnosed with post-acute COVID-19 condition (long COVID)

Host institute: Göteborgs universitet
Principal investigator: Maria Bygdell

Forte COVID-19Infectious diseases
Differences in health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic between socioeconomic groups – the impact of changes in psychosocial factors and health behaviors, and risk for cardiovascular disease

Host institute: Linköpings universitet
Principal investigator: Fredrik Granström

Forte COVID-19Infectious diseases
The post-COVID associated autoantibody repertoire

Host institute: KTH, Kungliga tekniska högskolan
Principal investigator: Peter Nilsson

Vetenskapsrådet COVID-19Infectious diseases
Liproprotein structure-function and disease development: from atherosclerosis to covid-19

Host institute: Malmö universitet
Principal investigator: Marite Cardenas

Vetenskapsrådet COVID-19Infectious diseases
Health literacy among older adults: Exploring older people´s prerequisites for understanding health information and making informed health choices.

Host institute: Karolinska Institute
Principal investigator: Janne Agerholm

Forte COVID-19Infectious diseases
COVID-19 and childhood cancer - diagnostic delay, survival, and COVID-19 susceptibility

Host institute: Karolinska Institute
Principal investigator: Giorgio Tettamanti

Vetenskapsrådet COVID-19Infectious diseases
Polarizing pandemics. Identity, emotions, and attitudes toward Covid-19 prevention

Host institute: Högskolan Kristianstad
Principal investigator: Emma Renström

Vetenskapsrådet COVID-19Infectious diseases
Air quality and COVID-19: An individual-based population study

Host institute: Uppsala universitet
Principal investigator: Össur Ingi Emilsson

Vetenskapsrådet COVID-19Infectious diseases
Explaining COVID-19 mortality among immigrants in Sweden: A social determinants of health perspective

Host institute: Stockholms universitet
Principal investigator: Sol Juárez

Forte COVID-19Infectious diseases
EMBRACE: Embracing diversity in vulnerability - a multilevel intersectional study of communities’ vulnerability and public health institutions’ capability to cope with COVID-19 and future pandemics

Host institute: Göteborgs universitet
Principal investigator: Nawi Ng

Forte COVID-19Infectious diseases
High-risk occupations for COVID-19 - risk mechanisms, possibilities for protective actions and contributing effects of structural living conditions

Host institute: Göteborgs universitet
Principal investigator: Mia Söderberg

Forte COVID-19Infectious diseases
Health consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic for the old age population in Sweden.

Host institute: Karolinska Institute
Principal investigator: Karin Modig

Forte COVID-19Infectious diseases
A network to help build vaccine confidence among health workers and the population in Sub-Saharan African

Host institute: Karolinska Institute
Principal investigator: Sibylle Herzig van Wees

Vetenskapsrådet COVID-19Infectious diseases
Post-pandemic immunity, long-term disease symptoms and general health among young adults

Host institute: Karolinska Institute
Principal investigator: Erik Melén

Vetenskapsrådet COVID-19Infectious diseases
Incomes, inequalities, and the welfare state during the covid-19 pandemic

Host institute: IFAU, Institutet för arbetsmarknads- och utbildningspolitisk utvärdering
Principal investigator: Jan Sauermann

Vetenskapsrådet COVID-19Infectious diseases
Long-term follow-up of individuals with long-lasting cognitive deficits following mild COVID-19

Host institute: Karolinska Institute
Principal investigator: Erika Laukka

Vetenskapsrådet COVID-19Infectious diseases
Pregnant under the pressure of a pandemic. Understanding why maternal and delivery healthcare varied in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic and assessing effects of variation on mother and child

Host institute: Göteborgs universitet
Principal investigator: Elin Naurin

Vetenskapsrådet COVID-19Infectious diseases
Mental health consequences following the loss of a family member during the Corona pandemic: A multi-methods approach

Host institute: Stockholms universitet
Principal investigator: Mikael Rostila

Vetenskapsrådet COVID-19Infectious diseases
Generating evidence on the Impact of pandemic Social restrictions on Reproductive health among adolescent girls and young women in Uganda - Lessons learnt for better future preparedness (GIRLS)

Host institute: Karolinska Institute
Principal investigator: Anna Mia Ekström

Vetenskapsrådet COVID-19Infectious diseases
Stochastic modelling of epidemic outbreaks - post Covid-19

Host institute: Stockholm University
Principal investigator: Tom Britton

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases
Sociodemografiska faktorer och risken att utveckla långtidssjukdom och komplikationer efter mild respektive svår Covid-19 - Ett fokus på nedsatt arbetsförmåga och utvecklandet av sjukdom i efterförloppet av Covid-19

Host institute: University of Gothenburg
Principal investigator: Maria Rosvall

Swedish Social Insurance Agency COVID-19Infectious diseases
Studier av de mest utsatta i COVID-19 pandemin: äldre personers riskprofiler, läkemedel, långsiktiga konsevenser och vaccination i stora registerdata

Host institute: Karolinska Institutet
Principal investigator: Kristina Johnell

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases
Sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och rättigheter för unga: hur påverkas vårdens tillgänglighet, innehåll och kvalitet av digitaliseringen av hälso- och sjukvården under covid-19 pandemin?

Host institute: Karolinska Institutet
Principal investigator: Kyriaki Kosidou

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases

Host institute: Uppsala University
Principal investigator: Bo Nilsson

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases
Immunologiska och virologiska korrelat bakom postcovid: En bäddsida-till-bänk approach

Host institute: Karolinska Institutet
Principal investigator: Soo Aleman

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases
Fatiguekohorten - En longitudinell studie på post-COVID-19, kroniskt trötthetssyndrom (ME/CFS) och utmattningssyndrom

Host institute: Stockholm University
Principal investigator: Anna Andreasson

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases
Genetiska och immunologiska mekanismer bakom svårt post-akut COVID-19 syndrom

Host institute: Karolinska Institutet
Principal investigator: Petter Brodin

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases
Kartläggning och risk faktoranalys av post-covid i en Nordisk databas och biobanksdata

Host institute: Umeå University
Principal investigator: Anne-Marie Fors Connolly

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases
Långtidseffekter på hjärnan efter covid-19

Host institute: Gothenburg University
Principal investigator: Magnus Gisslén

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases
Postcovid hos de värst drabbade i pandemin: äldres riskfaktorer, läkemedel och utfall i stora nationella data

Host institute: Karolinska Institutet
Principal investigator: Kristina Johnell

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases
Långsiktiga ögonbesvär hos patienter med post-COVID-19 syndrom: ursprung och sjukdomsbiomarkörer

Host institute: Linköping pingUniversity
Principal investigator: Neil Lagali

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases
Långvariga nedsättningar i kognitiv och lukt-funktion efter mild Covid-19 – modifierande faktorer, hjärnkorrelat och prognostisk betydelse för välbefinnande och vardaglig funktionsförmåga

Host institute: Karolinska Institutet
Principal investigator: Erika Laukka

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases
Prevalens och behandling av post-covid relaterade luktbesvär

Host institute: Karolinska Institutet
Principal investigator: Johan Lundström

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases
Postcovid i Sverige, Västra Götalandsregionen och världen

Host institute: Gothenburg University
Principal investigator: Annika Rosengren

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases
COMPARE - Nationell och regional registerbaserad uppföljning av postcovid-sjuklighet och vårdutnyttjande

Host institute: Karolinska Institutet
Principal investigator: Per Sparén

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases
Identifiering av nya behandlingsbara mekanismer och implementering av behandling hos post covid patienter med kardiovaskulära komplikationer

Host institute: Karolinska Institutet
Principal investigator: Marcus Ståhlberg

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases
Behandlingsbara patofisiologiska förändringar i kroppar av Covid-19 och post-Covid patienter identifierade genom obduktioner på BSL3 nivå

Host institute: Karolinska Institutet
Principal investigator: Laszlo Szekely

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases
Large-scale national initiative assessing symptoms, exposures and risk factors for Covid-19: COVID Symptom Study Sweden. Using a free smartphone app to facilitate real-time data collection of symptoms, exposures, and risk factors related to Covid-19.

Host institute: Lund University
Principal investigator: Paul Franks, Maria Gomez

Swedish Research Council, Hjärt-Lungfonden, Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research COVID-19Infectious diseases
COVID-19 Vaccine Effect, Response and Safety (COVERS) Sweden: Clinical and epidemiological studies with particular focus on vulnerable groups

Host institute: Umeå University
Principal investigator: Clas Ahlm

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases
COVID-19 vaccination in immuno-suppressed individuals: An interdisciplinary collaboration to obtain clinical and mechanistic insight into lasting immunity against SARS-CoV-2 infection

Host institute: Karolinska Institute
Principal investigator: Soo Aleman

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases
Register studies and immunological effect studies of COVID-19 vaccination and build-up of infrastructure for pandemic preparedness at national level (RE-VISION)

Host institute: University of Gothenburg
Principal investigator: Magnus Gisslén

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases
FASTER – National COVID-19 vaccine research platform

Host institute: Karolinska Institute
Principal investigator: Pontus Naucler

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases
Real time evaluation of COVID-19 vaccination in Swedish healthcare regions based on an information platform that supports system modelling and machine learning

Host institute: Linköping University
Principal investigator: Thomas Schön

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases
Epidemiological, immunological and genetic mapping of side effects of COVID-19 vaccines

Host institute: Uppsala University
Principal investigator: Mia Wadelius

Swedish Research Council COVID-19Infectious diseases
Antibiotic resistance: The role of chemical pollution in urban wastewater

Host institute: Lund University
Principal investigator: Charlotte Turner

VR Antibiotic resistance
PLATINEA 2.0 Availability and individualized use of antibioticsy

Host institute: Uppsala University
Principal investigator: Thomas Tängdén

Vinnova Antibiotic resistance
Morphological switch of atypical mycobacteria - impact on virulence and antibiotic resistance

Host institute: Lund University
Principal investigator: Julia Lienard

Vinnova Antibiotic resistance
Morphological switch of atypical mycobacteria - impact on virulence and antibiotic resistance

Host institute: Lund University
Principal investigator: Julia Lienard

Vinnova Antibiotic resistance
LEADING: Low-level Exposure to Antibiotics Disturbs Interactions among Non-pathogenic bacteria in the Gastrointestinal tract

Host institute: Lund University
Principal investigator: Johan Bengtsson-Palme

VR Antibiotic resistance